Crystal Properties  


  • Provides protection
  • High spiritual vibration
  • Guards against psychic attack
  • Blocks geopathic stress
  • Healing & cleansing
  • Enhances spiritual awareness
  • Overcomes addictions & blockages of all kinds
  • Calms or stimulates the mind as appropriate
  • Aids decision making
  • Helps where insomnia is caused by an overactive mind
  • Protects against recurrent nightmares
  • Enhances memory & improves motivation
  • Aids in setting realistic goals
  • Promotes emotional centring
  • Dispels anger, rage, fear & anxiety
  • Alleviates sadness & grief
  • Encourages selflessness & spiritual wisdom
  • Opens intuition & enhances psychic gifts
  • Boosts production of hormones
  • Strengthens cleansing & eliminating organs
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Relieves stress & pain
  • Eases headaches & releases tension
  • Reduces bruising & swelling
  • Heals the lungs & intestines
  • Helps people about to make the transition through death

Chakra Association: Crown, Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Association: Aquarius, Aries, Pisces & Sagittarius
Birthstone: February


  • Blocks geopathic stress
  • Protects against electromagnetic pollution
  • Extremely soothing
  • Calms the brain & nervous system
  • Helps in maintaining optimum health
  • Balances the masculine & feminine energies
  • Helps in seeing both sides of a problem
  • Soothes emotional trauma
  • Reduces worry & fear
  • Removes negative energy & aggravation
  • Aids in manifesting universal love
  • Increases self-respect
  • A stone of courage
  • Enhances communication
  • Removes negative energy & blockages within the nervous system
  • Beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay & calcium deficiency
  • Relieves muscle spasms

Chakra Association: Throat
Zodiac Association: Virgo


  • Strong connections with the earth
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Offers powerful healing & cleansing
  • Absorbs negative energies
  • Provides protection
  • Brings stability to life
  • Can help to counteract suicidal & depressive tendencies
  • Stimulates the intellect
  • Promotes a positive mental state
  • Brings balance & patience
  • Encourages decision making
  • Aids memory
  • Encourages peacefulness & develops trust
  • Relieves addiction, anxiety & seasonal affective disorder
  • Brings good luck
  • Helps to attract lasting love



Chakra Association: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Association: Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius & Virgo


  • Helps with grounding
  • Assists in dealing with the practicalities of everyday reality
  • Assists in understanding the noises your body makes when picking up subtle signals
  • Brings order out of chaos
  • Clears environmental negativity
  • Clears & purifies energies, allowing you to progress at exactly the right pace
  • Helps with the flow of energy or fluid within the body
  • Effective if your soul's path entails working in the commercial world to bring in more light & promote ethical decisions
  • Facilitates business dealings & negotiations that require finesse & acute perception of hidden agendas
  • Unites a group into a common purpose
  • When placed in the bedroom it reduces sleep disturbances & nightmares
  • Helps headaches, migraines, pain relief, toxicity & menstruation
  • Helps muscles, kidneys, bladder, stress, incontinence & genital diseases/infections
  • Treats diabetes, hypoglycaemia, dizziness, Alzheimer's disease & senile dementia



Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Virgo


  • Aids grounding
  • Brings about emotional, physical & intellectual balance
  • Is soothing & calming
  • Helps you to accept yourself
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances mental function
  • Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Overcomes negativity & bitterness
  • Heals inner anger
  • Treats any kind of emotional trauma
  • Creates a sense of safety & security
  • Encourages quiet contemplation
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Eliminates negative energies
  • Stimulates the digestive process & relieves gastritis
  • Heals the eyes, stomach & uterus
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorders

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini


  • Works fast & effectively
  • Useful in long-standing illness as it brings insight into the causes of disease
  • Connects the physical realm with higher consciousness
  • Facilitates & protects during astral travel & relieves psychic attack
  • Clears stress & tension from the head
  • Calms the mind & brings greater focus to meditation
  • Opens the third eye, promoting healing & divination
  • Enhances compatibility & acceptance of others
  • Reduces cravings while quitting smoking or keeping to a health plan or diet
  • Helps reduce panic attacks
  • Helps to maintain enthusiasm & impetus without becoming stressed
  • Opens the gateway for angelic or spirit guide contact
  • Attracts money
  • Helps people who are self-employed or work from home to prevent work taking over your life
  • Shows where everyone is linked, overcoming prejudice
  • An extremely energetic stone, it stimulates creativity & supports taking control of your own life
  • Encourages a more confident attitude towards life
  • Strengthens concentration & aids thinking things through
  • Releases blockages, including negative emotional programming & expectations
  • Promotes optimism & a well-being that is not disturbed by stressful external influences
  • Gets to the bottom of things
  • Its powerful cleansing properties disperse negativity from the aura & toxins from the body
  • Cleanses the blood
  • fatigue & lethargy, tension headaches & stress-related disease
  • Releases blockages in the physical, emotional & mental subtle bodies

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Libra & Virgo


  • An all-round healer
  • Relieves anxiety, panic attacks & phobias
  • Ultimate crystal for connection with angels
  • Beneficial for all carers
  • Helpful during Reiki healing, reflexology & shiatsu
  • Helps with Asperger's syndrome, autism & the nervous system

Chakra Associations: Crown
Zodiac Associations: Cancer & Leo


  • Stone of awareness for the New Age
  • Facilitates Angelic contact
  • Enhances telepathic communication
  • Deepens attunement & heightens perception
  • Provides protection for the environment & body
  • Helps to speak your truth
  • Helps to be more compassionate & accepting
  • Alleviates psychological pain
  • Enhances astrological understanding
  • Opens the way for spiritual inspiration
  • Creates a deep feeling of peace & tranquillity
  • Stimulates healing

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Libra


  • Works gently
  • Brings up negativity slowly so that it can be released
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Comforts grief
  • Promotes forgiveness
  • Increases spontaneity

Chakra Association: Base (Root)
Zodiac Association: Capricorn & Scorpio


  • Brings inspiration
  • Enables spiritual guidance
  • Aids public speaking
  • Helps with manifestation
  • Helps to heal the joints
  • Aids weight loss

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Gemini


  • Creates a conscious connection between physical & spiritual realms
  • Stimulates intuition
  • Promotes introspection
  • It is a stone of truth
  • Has a calming effect
  • Reduces stress & releases mental blockages
  • Releases suppressed emotions
  • Overcomes anxiety, worry & fears
  • Draws negativity from other crystals
  • Has strong links to the spiritual realm
  • Helps you to feel comfortable in your own body
  • Aids spiritual vision & out of body journeys
  • Aids Reiki healing
  • Treats the respiratory system
  • Treats asthma attacks

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Gemini & Libra


  • Frees you from limitation & creates space for something new
  • Heals, calms & cleanses the aura
  • Releases stress
  • Heals holes in the aura
  • Encourages communication from the heart
  • Releases negativity from the subtle bodies
  • Stimulates channelling & self-expression
  • Deepens spiritual attunement & communication
  • Protects against psychic or psychological attack
  • Brings profound peace during meditation
  • Enhances the healing properties of other crystals
  • Strengthens the thymus gland & immune system
  • Reduces swellings & growths
  • Treats genetic disorders, asbestosis, autism & Asperger conditions

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius


  • Brings courage
  • Attracts good luck
  • Reduces stress & quietens the mind
  • Encourages taking responsibility for yourself
  • Breaks old, self-defeating programs
  • Clears confusion & sharpens the intellect
  • Aids closure on all levels
  • Clears blocked communication & aids self-expression
  • Soothes fears & increases sensitivity
  • Sharpens intuition & opens clairvoyance
  • Aids meditation & spiritual awareness
  • Calms mood swings & panic attacks
  • Treats sore throats, swollen glands & thyroid problems
  • Has a general tonic effect
  • Aids the eyes, jaw, teeth & stomach
  • Treats hay fever

Chakra Associations: Throat & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio & Taurus
Birthstone: March


  • Earth healer
  • Helps to keep you grounded
  • Encourages conservation & recycling
  • Provides grounding & protection
  • Reduces stress
  • Deepens our connection with the earth
  • Teaches patience & acceptance
  • Combats over-sensitivity
  • Helps with delegation
  • Encourages discipline & reliability
  • Clears anger lingering from old wrongs
  • Aids concentration
  • Offers insight into the causes of problems
  • Combats anger & emotional stress
  • Provides strength & support
  • Helps you to feel comfortable within your own body
  • Stabilizes spiritual development that is out of control
  • Treats Reynaud's disease & chills
  • Heals bones & aids calcium absorption
  • Restores elasticity to discs & treats slipped discs & lumbago
  • Relieves pain
  • Stops night twitches & muscle spasms
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Treats IBS, bowel disorders, teeth, jaw, neuralgia & the nervous system
  • Treats ME, exhaustion, cramps & diabetes
  • Treats Vitamin A & D deficiencies

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn


  • Helps you to see things from both sides & reconcile difficulties
  • Stimulates journeying & assists energetic downloads
  • Helps with transitions of all kinds
  • A stone of birth, death & rebirth
  • At a mental level, it de-energizes & restructures habitual patterns
  • Assists well-being by removing energy blockages in the physical or subtle bodies

Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Aries & Gemini


  • Balances all the chakras
  • Has a sedative effect on the mind
  • Deepens meditation
  • Enhances metaphysical abilities of all kinds
  • Accelerates spiritual development

Chakra Associations: All Chakra`s
Zodiac Associations: All Zodiac Signs


  • Clears the ancestral line of trauma, dramas & ingrained emotions
  • Stops toxic karmas & attitudes carrying forward into future generations
  • "The buck stops here" stone
  • Helps you to stand on your own two feet
  • Aids accessing & reading the Akashic records


Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: None known At This Time

Abalone Shell

  • Native Americans believed that the abalone and sage together will carry their messages up to heaven. 
  • Abalone healing carries energies of protection and emotional balance.
  • Abalone healing is especially helpful for those going through emotional turmoil or those having a hard time dealing with a situation in a relationship. 
  • If you think of abalone as representative of water, like many cultures do, it is the water that will tame the flames of one’s emotional strife.


Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Cancer & Pisces



  • Excellent for metaphysical activities of all kinds
  • Protects & opens the energy field to higher vibrations
  • Protects again electromagnetic emanations & blocks radiation
  • Helps if you're emotionally over-sensitive
  • Attracts abundance
  • Creates a calm, serene atmosphere in the home
  • Stabilizes rocky relationships
  • Strengthens concentration so is good for study
  • Increases stamina
  • Treats the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach & female reproductive organs
  • Aids recovery from a stroke
  • May be helpful for Parkinson's & similar diseases

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Cancer


  • Draws out negative energy
  • Alleviates unreasonable fears
  • Provides protection
  • Overcomes grief after bereavement
  • Opens psychic experiences
  • Assists spiritual enlightenment
  • Stabilizes finances
  • Promotes taking control of life
  • Balances mood swings
  • Helps overcome depression
  • Brings stability & balance
  • Treats migraines, epilepsy & colds
  • Diminishes lymphatic & glandular swellings & heals stomach pain
  • Treats labour pains & menstrual cramps
  • Treats toothache & neuralgia

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn


  • Provides protection
  • Encourages creativity
  • Increases self-control
  • Brings shadow qualities to the surface for release
  • Magnifies all negative energies so they can be fully experienced then released
  • Heals past lives & the ancestral line
  • Repels negativity & disperses unloving thoughts
  • Provides support during change
  • Breaks through mental barriers when held briefly above the brow chakra
  • Dissolves mental conditioning
  • Aids emotional healing after trauma of any kind
  • Helps in attracting a new or better job
  • Improves circulation & artery health

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio


  • Gives strength
  • Supports during times of stress or confusing circumstances
  • Helps you to be the master of your own destiny
  • Promotes vigour, steadfastness & stamina
  • Aids in learning lessons
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Helps you to be at ease in your surroundings
  • Can be helpful for psychometry
  • Helps in past life healing
  • Helps to heal grief & sorrow
  • Reduces overwhelming fears & worries
  • Helps to overcome addictions
  • Calms the nerves
  • Provides protection & grounding

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Leo


  • Can bring renewed energy & rejuvenation
  • Brings encouragement in difficult circumstances
  • Enhances positive aspects of the personality
  • Aids in achieving & accepting success with humility
  • Offers insights into material problems & gives you the stamina to continue
  • Provides protection & repels negativity
  • Helps you to rebuild from the roots upwards
  • Absorbs outbursts of anger & feelings of suppressed rage
  • Assists controlled & more effective expression of negative feelings
  • Helps the legs, female reproductive system, prostate & bladder problems
  • Helps the intestines, lymph nodes & septicaemia

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio & Taurus


  • Protects against psychic attack
  • Protects against spells & ill wishing
  • Protects against negative energies of all kinds
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Increases physical vitality
  • Reduces tension & stress
  • Promotes a laid back attitude
  • Aids rational thought processes
  • Encourages a positive attitude
  • Stimulates creativity
  • Soothes anxiety & panic attacks
  • Returns bad wishes to the sender
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Treats dyslexia & arthritis
  • Provides pain relief

Chakra Associations: Base(Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Libra


  • Cleanses the blood
  • Powerful healer
  • Heightens intuition
  • Increases creativity
  • Provides protection & grounding
  • Stimulates dreaming
  • Gives courage
  • Calms the mind & clears confusion
  • Helps with decision making
  • Helps to overcome mental exhaustion
  • Reduces irritability, aggressiveness & impatience
  • Helps to bring spirituality into everyday life
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Detoxifies the liver, intestines & kidneys
  • Regulates blood flow & aids circulation

Chakra Associations: Heart, Sacral & Base
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Libra & Pisces
Birthstone Associations: March


  • Works gently & aids recuperation
  • Aids relaxation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Relieves pain on all levels
  • Soothes the nerves
  • Protects the home & business premises against intruders
  • Aids memory
  • Creates an awareness of when you're overdoing things & need to rest
  • Removes anxiety & releases negative emotions
  • Aids clear communication
  • Treats sore throats & menopausal hot flushes
  • Treats toothache & mouth ulcers

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Cancer, Gemini & Pisces


  • Attracts good luck & money
  • Attracts success
  • Helps to overcome fear of the dark
  • Encourages positivity & optimism
  • Encourages ambition
  • Relieves migraines
  • Treats epilepsy & glaucoma

Chakra Associations: Crown, Brow & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Sagittarius


  • Is a healing stone
  • Is cooling & calming
  • Brings peace of mind
  • Activates & heals the throat chakra
  • Allows free expression of thoughts & feelings
  • Opens the way to experience higher energies
  • Is a great nurturing & supportive stone
  • Neutralizes anger, infection, inflammation & fever
  • Counteracts the suppression & repression of feelings that stem from the fear of being judged & rejected
  • Gently dissolves the old pattern of repression & encourages a new mode of expression
  • Can be useful for men to release & accept their sensitivity & feeling natures
  • Assists with verbal expression of thoughts & feelings
  • Counteracts mental stress
  • Links thought to the spiritual vibration
  • Releases shoulder & neck problems, thyroid deficiencies & throat & lymph infections
  • Lowers fevers & removes blockages of the nervous system
  • Treats arthritic & bone deformity & strengthens the skeletal system as well as healing fractures
  • Aids capillaries & the pancreas
  • Treats high blood pressure & tension-related headaches
  • Heals skin allergies

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Pisces & Sagittarius


  • Is an empathetic stone that directs energy to where it is needed most
  • Soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates & aligns the meridians of the body
  • Promotes truth & forgiveness
  • Helps shed light on the path, highlights goals & taps into inner resources
  • Brings about trust in the universe that enables you to "be" rather than to "do"
  • Cuts through doubt & uncertainty
  • Brings joy, generosity, abundance & good health
  • Brings hidden emotions to the surface in a calm way so that they can be dealt with
  • Balances the emotions
  • Attracts love & good fortune
  • Brings successful attainment of goals
  • Is extremely supportive for affirmations & manifestation as well as visualization
  • Cleanses the aura
  • Releases tension & aids relaxation
  • Speeds up spiritual development
  • Helps you to feel confident & philanthropic
  • Removes negativity
  • Promotes openness & honesty, self-realization, self-control & the urge to develop inner wisdom
  • Aids problem-solving
  • Helps you to see the bigger picture & the minute detail, recognizing how they interrelate
  • Assists in expressing ideas
  • Manifests health
  • Aids digestion & combats anorexia
  • Restores the sense of taste
  • Fortifies the nerves & stimulates the metabolism
  • Treats eyes, ears & menopausal symptoms

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Libra, Sagittarius & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: November


  • Is excellent for anyone who is connected with fire or smoke
  • Is a crystal of infinite possibility & hope
  • Helps to quit smoking
  • Looks to solutions rather than dwelling on problems
  • Helps to explore unknown territory & your own creativity
  • Helps you to see the bigger picture
  • Can provide comfort through dark, lonely nights
  • Gently releases repression
  • Helps the circulatory system & the skin
  • Treats stomach problems & stimulates the immune system
  • Helps the body to absorb oxygen
  • Treats depression, panic attacks & agoraphobia
  • Helps all who have suffered loss & still grieve
  • Relieves emotional blocks to fertility

Chakra Associations: Crown & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Gemini


  • Helps you to keep your feet on the ground
  • Helps with attaining emotional stability
  • Has strong grounding energies
  • Improves dream recall
  • Boosts vitality, strength & self-confidence
  • Draws excess energy away from the head
  • Promotes mental clarity
  • Can prevent nightmares in children
  • Improves confidence, motivation & enthusiasm, especially at work
  • Breaks the psychological hold of those who seek to manipulate or dominate
  • Treats allergies, the liver stomach upsets & digestive disorders
  • Treats eczema, psoriasis & skin problems aggravated by stress

Chakra Associations: Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Scorpio & Virgo


  • Facilitates simply "being", entering a dynamic state of non-action & non-doing
  • Brings total serenity
  • Turns back negative thoughts & ill-wishing
  • Strengthens non-judgmental discernment, pinpoints your most important choices & promotes decisive action
  • Protects & grounds
  • Helps when you feel powerless is discordant situations or are in the grip of events beyond your control
  • Heals hurts & injustices from the past
  • Increases self-assertion, restores composure & assists in keeping a cool head
  • Helps you to take an objective perspective & see the bigger picture
  • Helps in overcoming stress & reversing wilfulness, teaching how to go with the flow of divine will
  • If you've become stuck in any negative pattern, Bronzite releases it
  • Supports & balances masculine yang energy within the body or the psyche
  • Helps chronic exhaustion & restores energy levels
  • Aids the absorption of mineral & iron
  • Also helps with pain relief & over-alkalinity as well as cramp & nerves
  • Can be helpful for anaemia & blood disorders
  • Treats skin disorders such as rashes, pimples & eczema

Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Solar Plexus & Base(Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn


  • Helps you to accept change
  • Encourages you to pursue new projects
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Helps you to make decisions not based on emotions
  • Removes energetic blocks
  • Enhances mental clarity
  • Treats abdominal issues, allergies & the nervous system
  • Benefits the heart & circulatory system

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Cancer, Leo & Taurus


  • Brings about a deep connection to the earth & facilitates earth healing
  • Stimulates conscious dreaming & intuition
  • Enhances channelling & accesses the angelic realms
  • Helps to retain composure
  • Brings gentle courage
  • Encourages relaxation
  • Eases relationships at work with people who may be unapproachable
  • Increases love in new relationships
  • Turns ideals & ideas into positive action
  • Removes old emotional pain
  • Realigns the energy meridians of the physical & subtle bodies
  • Benefits cellular memory & calcium deficiencies
  • Treats stress-related illness, circulation issues, headaches & fluid retention
  • Supports the legs & feet, heart, skin, nails, hair, motor nerves & muscle strength
  • Treats the spleen, lungs, prostate gland, sexual organs, endocrine & digestive systems

Chakra Associations: Brow & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Taurus



  • Grounds & anchors you in the present reality
  • A stabilizing stone with high energy
  • Restores vitality & motivation
  • Stimulates creativity
  • Can cleanse other stones
  • Removes fear of death
  • Gives courage
  • Promotes positive life choices
  • Dispels apathy & motivates for success
  • Helps to overcome abuse of any kind
  • Overcomes negative conditioning
  • Improves analytic abilities
  • Sharpens concentration
  • Protects against envy, rage & resentment
  • Calms anger
  • Banishes emotional negativity
  • Treats the female reproductive organs & increases fertility
  • Overcomes frigidity & impotence
  • Heals lower back problems
  • Heals rheumatism, arthritis & neuralgia
  • Treats depression
  • Regulates bodily fluids & the kidneys
  • Accelerates healing in bones & ligaments

Chakra Associations: Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: July


  • Highly energizing & cleansing
  • Balances & uplifts the emotions
  • Removes fear & overcomes depression
  • Dissolves problems & maximises potential
  • Removes stagnant energy
  • A stone of happiness
  • Promotes optimism & well-being
  • Gently awakens or reawakens sexual desire & sensuality
  • Increases creativity & self-esteem
  • Heals the reproductive system
  • Assists with menstrual problems, especially irregular ovulation, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, amenorrhea & painful menstruation
  • Heals intestinal disorders such as IBS & removes constipation & dissolves blockages
  • Heals hip & lower limb problems & loosens joints
  • Helps to improve circulation & cleanse the blood
  • Treats the kidneys & pancreas

Chakra: Heart, Sacral & Base(Root)
Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Pisces & Scorpio


  • A stone of transformation
  • Overcomes fear
  • Stimulates inner vision & spiritual insight
  • Helps when coping with spiritual change
  • Encourages unconditional love
  • Provides deep physical & emotional healing
  • Helps with acceptance of others
  • Encourages drive, vigour & spontaneity
  • Reduces stress & worry
  • Promotes a relaxed attitude
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Treats the eyes, heart, liver & pancreas
  • Reverses liver damage due to alcohol
  • Treats cramps, aches & pains
  • Overcomes insomnia & aids deep sleep
  • Treats autism & bipolar disorders

Chakra Associations: Crown
Zodiac Associations: Pisces, Sagittarius & Scorpio


  • Promotes balance in life
  • Boosts energy
  • Promotes proactivity & taking action
  • Brings hope
  • Helps to overcome anxiety & depression
  • Encourages confidence in your own ability
  • Attracts love
  • Helps to keep centred & grounded

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: None Known At This Time


  • Also Known As Spotted Jasper
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Provides protection
  • Brings back your sense of fun
  • Helps you to be more playful
  • Helps to overcome depression
  • Boosts energy
  • Helps to stop nightmares
  • Works gently so is ideal for children
  • Helps to reduce over thinking

Chakra Associations: Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Virgo


  • Aids grounding
  • Brings about emotional, physical & intellectual balance
  • Is soothing & calming
  • Helps you to accept yourself
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances mental function
  • Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Overcomes negativity & bitterness
  • Heals inner anger
  • Treats any kind of emotional trauma
  • Creates a sense of safety & security
  • Encourages quiet contemplation
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Eliminates negative energies
  • Stimulates the digestive process & relieves gastritis
  • Heals the eyes, stomach & uterus
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorders

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini


  • Makes you more receptive when in contact with angelic or spirit guides
  • Opens clairaudience when placed behind the ear
  • Activates past life memories
  • Breaks ties that no longer serve
  • Assists in standing up confidently for yourself
  • Brings unshakeable self-confidence
  • Calms over-excitability
  • Helps you to remain young at heart
  • Creates calm
  • Gently releases pent-up emotions
  • Overcomes shyness, stress, insomnia, panic & fear
  • Promotes clarity & self-discipline
  • Enhances organizational abilities
  • Stabilizes a rocky relationship
  • Attracts a soulmate
  • Heals sunburn, epilepsy, headaches, nausea & cramp

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius & Leo




  • Provides EMF protection
  • Absorbs that which is hazardous to health
  • Boosts physical wellbeing
  • Has a powerful effect on the immune system
  • Restores emotional balance
  • Relieves stress
  • Reduces symptoms of the common cold
  • Is a "cure all" healer
  • Assists the digestive & filtration systems
  • Provides pain relief
  • Its a detoxifier, antioxidant, antihistamine & anti-inflammatory
  • Treats sore throats & cardio-vascular diseases
  • Treats allergies, asthma, arthritis & diabetes
  • Treats kidney & liver disorders
  • Treats the gall bladder, impotence & chronic fatigue syndrome

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio


  • Increases spiritual attunement
  • Removes ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening
  • Enhances perception
  • Brings the courage to live life to the full
  • Brings the ability to manifest dreams
  • Strengthens your sense of identity & personal power
  • Helps to overcome victimhood & martyrdom
  • Helps to overcome self-criticism & helps you to look objectively at your strengths & weaknesses
  • Helps in setting realistic goals
  • Encourages actions rather than words
  • Brings energy to the home
  • Reduces stress, self-pity & anxiety
  • Releases grief & old emotional trauma
  • Keeps you centred no matter the situation
  • Releases negative energy
  • Helps during convalescence & supports the body's healing processes
  • Ensures you look after yourself in the best possible way
  • Helps with emotional trauma, stamina & the nervous & immune systems
  • Treats cellular memory & dehydration
  • Supports the brain, thyroid, liver, gallbladder & adrenal glands

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Gemini


  • Brings inspiration & patience
  • Known as the stone of successful love
  • Brings domestic bliss & loyalty
  • Enhances unity, unconditional love & partnership
  • Promotes friendship
  • Keeps a partnership in balance
  • Calms the emotions
  • Ensures physical, emotional & mental equilibrium
  • Eliminates negativity
  • Focuses intention & raises consciousness
  • Brings about positive action
  • Enhances psychic abilities & opens clairvoyance
  • Gives strength of character
  • Aids regeneration & recovery
  • Heals negative emotions
  • Enhances the ability to enjoy life to the fullest
  • Helps to overcome claustrophobia
  • Brings mental clarity & strengthens memory
  • Inspires deep inner knowing
  • Brings wisdom & promotes discernment & truth
  • Helps with eloquent expression
  • Brings to the surface what is unconsciously known
  • Aids mutual understanding within a group of people
  • Treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine & muscles
  • Soothes the eyes & improves vision
  • Aids detoxifying the liver
  • Treats rheumatism & diabetes
  • Treats angina, epilepsy & fevers
  • Increases fertility & aids childbirth
  • Treats asthma, bronchitis & respiratory complaints
  • Treats the thyroid, heart, teeth & bladder

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio & Taurus
Birthstone Association: May



  • Very protective especially on a psychic level
  • Cleanses & stabilizes the aura
  • Draws off negative energies & stress of all kinds
  • Helps to overcome disorganization
  • Heightens intuitive powers
  • Speeds up spiritual awakening
  • Dissolves fixed patterns of behaviour
  • Brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Helps with mental disorders
  • Aids learning & promotes quick thinking
  • Stabilizes the emotions
  • Assists physical balance & coordination
  • Aids meditation
  • Benefits teeth, cells & bones
  • Treats viruses
  • Beneficial for colds, flu & sinusitis
  • Treats arthritis & rheumatism
  • Treats nerve related pain
  • Helps during dental work

Chakra Associations: Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Capricorn & Pisces


  • Accesses knowledge with great practical value
  • Can channel information regarding herbal treatment & holistic remedies
  • Helps you to understand your interaction with other people & relates to basic concerns about life
  • Deals with issues of servitude from past or present lives
  • Reverses a tendency toward martyrdom
  • Is excellent for those who instantly fall into saviour or rescuer mode
  • Shows how to be of service without becoming embroiled in power struggles or false humility
  • Teaches true self-worth
  • Restores equilibrium & emotional stability
  • Shows you how to do only what is appropriate & necessary for someone else's soul growth
  • Combines unconditional love with the tough love that says "no more"
  • Is helpful for the "identified patient" on whom disease & tension is projected. It gives the identified patient the strength to find wellness
  • Overcomes co-dependency & emotional blackmail
  • Brings harmony to the home
  • Encourages fight-back after a major setback or long or serious illness
  • Brings resilience after trauma or emotional tension
  • Amplifies the energy of crystals
  • Reminds us of our inner child & need for fun, relaxation & joyfulness in life
  • Moves energy to the lowest point, redressing the balance
  • Releases blockages caused by excess energy, shifting the energy into positive channels
  • Balances the red & white blood cell ration
  • Treats carpal tunnel syndrome & repetitive strain injury
  • Realigns the spine & increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system
  • Aids the immune system, throat & larynx
  • Treats the arteries, inflammation, eczema, skin allergies & rashes
  • Reduces snoring & sleep disturbances

Chakra Associations: Throat & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Leo & Libra


  • A powerful stabilizer & cleanser
  • Calls guides & power allies
  • Provides protection
  • Turns back curses & ill-wishing
  • Can prevent nightmares
  • Removes all that is outgrown & outworn
  • Removes psychological blockages
  • Cuts emotional & spiritual cords
  • Brings structural integrity to mental & physical bodies
  • Creates a shamanic anchor for journeying
  • Enhances energy flow & is a powerful earth healer
  • A nurturing stone with a strong link to the Earth Mother
  • Aids rites of passage that mark the transitions of womanhood
  • Assists men in connecting to their feminine qualities
  • Encourages self-confidence, especially in older people
  • Promotes self-assurance & encourages individualism
  • Relieves pain
  • Supports the reproductive system, cellular memory & tissue restructuring
  • Overcomes depression & obsessive disorders
  • Treats warts, moles, wrinkles & growths
  • Helps to heal jaw & back pain
  • Helps liver, kidney stones & digestion
  • Treats lungs, skin disorders, lesions & tags
  • Strengthens the nervous system

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aries



  • Aids in paying attention to detail
  • Helps with exams & important meetings
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Provides protection
  • Helps to accomplish goals
  • Helps to heal mental illness & personality disorders
  • Boosts confidence & creativity
  • Reduces cravings
  • Increases willpower
  • Overcomes fear of failure
  • Aids night vision
  • Treats the throat & reproductive organs
  • Helps to repair broken bones

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Leo & Taurus


  • Energizing
  • Revitalizes, purifies & balances energy
  • Brings serenity or passion as appropriate
  • Inspires love & devotion
  • Balances the sex drive & aids sexual potency
  • Encourages commitment
  • Strengthens the survival instinct
  • Brings courage & hope
  • Aids past life recall
  • Dissolves ingrained behaviour patterns that no longer serve you
  • Removes inhibitions & taboos
  • Assists in bereavement
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Stimulates the metabolism
  • Treats spinal & cellular disorders
  • Reenergizes the blood, heart & lungs

Chakra Associations: Heart & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: January


  • Has an exceedingly high vibration that takes the master healing power of Quartz to another level
  • Is a catalyst for profound spiritual activation
  • Accesses multi-dimensional, interstellar healing power
  • Brings Christ Consciousness down to earth
  • Makes healing more potent on all levels
  • Purifies, aligns & re-energizes the chakras
  • Releases ancient emotional condition held in the solar plexus
  • Facilitates making profound changes in your life with minimum fuss & effort
  • Restores the whole system to energetic wholeness & optimum functioning

Chakra Associations: All Chakra`s
Zodiac Associations: All Zodiac Signs


  • Excellent for helping to deal with a stressful life
  • Helps you to shed unnecessary baggage
  • Helps to realize potential
  • Enhances courage
  • Calms the mind
  • Helps to filter our mental distractions
  • Encourages a positive view
  • Helps to overcome anxiety
  • Reawakens love in jaded long term relationships
  • Promotes purity of being
  • Stimulates the will to succeed
  • Boosts confidence
  • Aids well-being

Chakra Associations: Crown & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Leo & Sagittarius



  • Promotes a sense of self-worth
  • Brings good luck
  • Reduces self-consciousness
  • Strengthens distance healing
  • Helps the circulation & metabolism
  • Helps with arthritis & joint pain

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Sagittarius


  • Provides comfort
  • Is an all round healer
  • Brings things back into control
  • Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts
  • Promotes a feeling of well-being
  • Brings emotional calm
  • A stone of prosperity
  • Absorbs electromagnetic smog
  • Protects against environmental pollution
  • Reinforces leadership qualities
  • Stimulates perception & enhances creativity
  • Calms anger & irritation
  • Reduces clumsiness
  • Aids emotional recovery
  • Aids conception
  • Balances blood pressure & stimulates the metabolism
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Relieves migraine headaches & soothes the eyes
  • Heals the lungs, sinuses & heart


Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Libra, Taurus & Virgo


  • Cleanses & rejuvenates
  • Promotes emotional recovery
  • Aids relationships
  • Has the ability to filter information & reorient the mind
  • Gives meaning to everyday life
  • Brings about a spiritual perspective in healing
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Treats colds & flu

Chakra Association: Heart
Zodiac Association: Virgo
Birthstone Association: October


  • Attracts good luck & money
  • Attracts success
  • Helps to overcome fear of the dark
  • Encourages positivity & optimism
  • Encourages ambition
  • Relieves migraines
  • Treats epilepsy & glaucoma

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Sagittarius & Taurus



  • Energizes & enlivens
  • Prevents physical exhaustion & burnout
  • Promotes creativity
  • Increases the effectiveness of other stones
  • Stimulates psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision & telepathy
  • Promotes dream recall & understanding
  • Stimulates conscious attunement to the highest spiritual levels & to your own potential
  • Clears the chakras & opens channels for spiritual energy to flow
  • Can be used to access past life information so that you recognize blockages or resistance to your spiritual growth
  • Facilitates gentle release & transformation, bringing your soul's purpose forward
  • Clears electromagnetic pollution or radioactivity
  • Blocks geopathic stress
  • Corrects DNA, cellular disorders & metabolic imbalances
  • Eliminates stress & tension from the body

Chakra Associations: Crown, Heart & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius & Scorpio


  • Very calming
  • Overcomes insomnia
  • Calms an overactive mind
  • Opens spiritual attunement
  • Aids accessing past lives
  • Encourages a desire for learning
  • Attracts blessings to the home
  • Helps to achieve ambitions
  • Encourages patience
  • Helps to eliminate rage & uncontrolled anger
  • Strengthens positive character traits
  • Strengthens memory
  • Calms the emotions
  • Aids teeth, bones & soft tissue
  • Treats arthritis, rheumatism & joint pain

Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Gemini


  • Provides grounding & protection
  • Helps to overcome addictions such as smoking
  • Helps to overcome overindulgence such as overeating
  • Dissolves negativity
  • Restores peace & harmony to the body
  • Beneficial for legal situations
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Enhances willpower
  • Stimulates concentration & focus

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aries



  • Opens metaphysical abilities
  • Helps to contact elementals & devas
  • Is useful in past life healing
  • Helps in exploring hidden parts of the psyche
  • Helps you to get in touch with your higher self
  • Highlights changes that are needed in your life
  • Brings peace & is extremely supportive
  • Blocks negative energies
  • Relieves stress
  • Treats the immune system, bruising & sprains

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Libra, Pisces & Scorpio


  • Aids grounding
  • Brings about emotional, physical & intellectual balance
  • Is soothing & calming
  • Helps you to accept yourself
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances mental function
  • Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Overcomes negativity & bitterness
  • Heals inner anger
  • Treats any kind of emotional trauma
  • Creates a sense of safety & security
  • Encourages quiet contemplation
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Eliminates negative energies
  • Stimulates the digestive process & relieves gastritis
  • Heals the eyes, stomach & uterus
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorders

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini


  • Also Known As `Fools Gold` Or Just `Pyrite`
  • Blocks negative energy
  • A stone of positivity
  • Promotes diplomacy
  • Relieves anxiety & frustration
  • Expands mental capabilities
  • Balances instinct with intuition & creativity with analysis
  • Boosts confidence & self-worth
  • Improves memory
  • Increases energy & overcomes fatigue
  • Increases oxygen supply to the blood & strengthens the circulatory system
  • Holds the ideal of perfect health & well-being
  • Treats bones & stimulates cellular formation
  • Repairs DNA damage & aligns the meridians
  • Strengthens the digestive tract & neutralizes ingested toxins
  • Benefits the circulatory & respiratory systems
  • Benefits the lungs, treating asthma & bronchitis

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Aries & Leo


  • Helps to achieve visualization & intuitive insight
  • Stimulates connection to inner knowing
  • Assists journeys out of the body
  • Aids understanding
  • Releases the causes of addiction
  • Helps to express your true self
  • Clears thought forms
  • Prevents insomnia, nightmares & sleep disturbances
  • Can be used during travelling to guide you safely home

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Cancer



  • Is a symbol of purity & serenity
  • Signifies wisdom gathered in tranquillity
  • Increases love & nurturing
  • Provides protection
  • Attracts good luck & friendship
  • Releases negative thoughts & soothes the mind
  • Stimulates ideas
  • Brings insightful dreams
  • Aids emotional release
  • Calms the nerves
  • Treats the kidneys & removes toxins
  • Aids fertility & childbirth

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Libra, Pisces & Taurus 


  • Draws out negative energy
  • Alleviates unreasonable fears
  • Provides protection
  • Overcomes grief after bereavement
  • Opens psychic experiences
  • Assists spiritual enlightenment
  • Stabilizes finances
  • Promotes taking control of life
  • Balances mood swings
  • Helps overcome depression
  • Brings stability & balance
  • Treats migraines, epilepsy & colds
  • Diminishes lymphatic & glandular swellings & heals stomach pain
  • Treats labour pains & menstrual cramps
  • Treats toothache & neuralgia

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn


  • Supports during times of stress
  • A nurturing stone
  • Brings tranquillity & wholeness
  • Facilitates dream recall
  • Provides protection
  • Grounds energies
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Clears electromagnetic & environmental pollution
  • Aids dowsing
  • Imparts determination
  • Brings courage
  • Aids quick thinking
  • Stimulates the imagination
  • Prolongs sexual pleasure
  • Supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries



  • Has a high vibration
  • Stimulates spiritual awakening
  • Activates spiritual growth
  • Cleanses the aura
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Deepens meditation
  • Facilitates angelic contact
  • Balances the brain to harmonize thinking

Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: None known At This Time


  • Guides psychic & intuitive development
  • Urges the soul towards enlightenment
  • Cleanses & stimulates the brow chakra
  • Attunes to spiritual guidance
  • Enable journeys out of the body to take place easily & safely
  • Raises consciousness & facilitates entering a meditative & channelling state
  • Is a powerful healing stone
  • Provides grounding
  • Helps you to see the whole picture before making up your mind
  • Promotes tact & diplomacy
  • Maintains balance in a relationship
  • Brings about clear understanding & new perspectives
  • Expands the mind
  • Releases long-standing blocks in communication
  • Stimulates memory
  • Clears stress, worry, grief & sadness
  • Overcomes an inferiority complex
  • Helps older people to maintain their independence, mental alertness & physical health
  • Encourages study, concentration & memory for older school children & university or college students
  • Encourages study during retirement & also travel & relocating abroad for the over-fifties
  • Brings long-term prosperity
  • Reduces fear & phobias
  • Treats the throat, arthritis & joint problems
  • Aligns the spine & works at a cellular level to restore any blockage or damage to the brain
  • Heals kidney, gallbladder & liver problems
  • Treats the spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth & skin
  • Aids detoxification & encourages the development of the embryo in the womb
  • Speed up healing by stabilizing the subtle bodies with the physical
  • Treats the eyes, rickets, rheumatism & infertility
  • Treats disorders of the hair, face & head
  • Treats circulation & oxygenates the blood

Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Throat & Base
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Sagittarius & Taurus


  • An extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration
  • Brings tranquillity & radiates peace
  • Awakens the heart centre & unconditional love producing loving thoughts & communication
  • Induces a deep & centred meditative state
  • Enhances creativity
  • Encourages humility & the willingness to serve
  • Offers protection for both the person & the environment
  • Dispels negativity & shields the aura from unwanted energies
  • Strengthens the energy field around the body
  • Increases intuitive powers
  • Is a celestial doorway & a symbol of infinity
  • Facilitates transition for the dying, imparting the knowledge that the departing soul requires, helping it to move over into enlightenment
  • Encourages self-expression
  • Removes obstacles from your path & helps you to adjust to the pressure of life
  • Aids recovery of memories that have been blocked
  • Promotes tolerance & helps to reduce stress-related anxiety
  • Combines intellect, intuition & inspiration
  • Clears emotional debris & heals heartache
  • Lifts dark moods & overcomes depression
  • Treats panic attacks
  • Strengthens the circulatory system & the heart muscle
  • Relieves menopausal symptoms of all kinds
  • Helps conditions affecting the nerves of the body, such as neuralgia
  • Calms epilepsy & soothes joint pain
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Helps the physical body to recover from the effects of emotional stress

Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio & Taurus


  • Aids attunement & meditation
  • Stimulates intuition & psychic abilities
  • Brings tranquillity
  • Connects to spirit guides
  • Aids dream recall & promotes healing dreams
  • Helpful for those making the transition through death
  • Aids aligning the chakras & subtle bodies
  • Does not hold negativity & never needs cleansing
  • Strengthens the voice
  • Encourages speaking your truth
  • Cuts through fear & blockages
  • Opens to spiritual & psychological truth
  • Reduces anger, frustration & stress
  • Increases the capacity for logical & linear thought
  • Treats muscular disorders & fevers
  • Treats the urogenital system
  • Provides pain relief
  • Treats the thyroid, adrenal glands, throat & brain
  • Lowers blood pressure & heals infections
  • Aids weight loss

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Pisces & Taurus



  • Provides protection
  • A mystical stone & bringer of light
  • Relieves stress
  • Raises consciousness
  • Forms a barrier to negative energies
  • Accesses spiritual purpose
  • Stimulates intuition & psychic gifts
  • Banishes fears & insecurities
  • Calms an overactive mind
  • Brings up suppressed memories from the past
  • Treats disorders of the eyes & brain
  • Balances hormones & relieves menstrual tension
  • Lowers blood pressure & treats gout
  • Treats colds & rheumatism

Chakra Associations: Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces & Sagittarius


  • Is a spiritual stone that opens to new dimensions, stimulating evolution of the earth
  • Radiates love & peace & promotes tranquillity
  • Induces a deeply meditative state
  • Raises consciousness & harmonizes body & soul to new vibrations
  • Guides the soul onto its true pathway
  • Facilitates angelic contact & communication with other realms
  • Assists anyone seeking a soul mate
  • Facilitates the healing of past-life relationships or heart trauma
  • Removes self-imposed blockages & constraints
  • Dissolves self-sabotaging behaviour & assists taking control of life
  • Removes guilt & fear
  • Brings serenity & mental clarity
  • Stimulates creativity & encourages "going with the flow"
  • Brings calmness & equilibrium
  • Reconnects to natural playfulness & joyful childlike energy
  • Treats bipolar disorders
  • Promotes self-healing
  • Treats cartilage & throat conditions & dissolves energy blockages in the chest, head & neck
  • Treats the thyroid & thymus glands

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye, Throat & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Leo & Pisces


  • Stimulates enlightenment
  • Enhances psychic abilities
  • Releases stress
  • Brings deep peace
  • Provides protection
  • Blocks psychic attack
  • Harmonizes physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels
  • Encourages taking charge of life
  • Encourages self-awareness
  • Aids self-expression without holding back
  • Brings qualities of honesty, compassion & uprightness
  • Brings objectivity & clarity to the mind
  • Encourages creativity
  • Helps you to confront the truth
  • Helps you to express your own opinions
  • Bonds relationships in love & friendship
  • Dissolves martyrdom, cruelty & suffering
  • Helps to attract promotion at work
  • Relieves pain, especially of migraine headaches
  • Overcomes depression
  • Treats the throat, respiratory & nervous systems
  • Treats the larynx & thyroid
  • Cleanses organs & purifies the blood
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Overcomes insomnia & vertigo
  • Lowers blood pressure & overcomes hearing loss
  • Helps with autism & Asperger's Syndrome

Chakra Associations: Third Eye& Throat
Zodiac Associations: Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: September


  • Overcomes negativity
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps heal depression
  • Aids sleep
  • Helps balance mood swings
  • Helps with Bipolar disorder
  • Helps with transitions
  • Helps to overcome addictions

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye, Throat & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Libra



  • Brings deep peace to meditation & relaxation
  • Stimulates heartfelt love, including love for yourself
  • Can be very helpful in the practice of unconditional love in situations where relationships with other people are difficult because of their behaviour or addictions
  • Helps you to feel centred
  • Promotes a positive attitude to life
  • Calms the emotions
  • Supports those who are nervous & fearful & helps to overcome irritability & intolerance
  • Aids the absorption of Magnesium into the body
  • Detoxifies & neutralizes body odour
  • Acts as a muscle relaxant & treats menstrual, stomach, intestinal & vascular cramps
  • Treats pain from the gallbladder & kidney stones
  • Treats bone & teeth disorders & prevents epilepsy
  • Relieves headaches, especially migraines, & slows blood clotting
  • Speeds up fat metabolism & disperses cholesterol, preventing arteriosclerosis & angina
  • Balances body temperature lessening fevers & chills

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aries & Libra


  • Amplifies positive & negative energies
  • Provides protection & absorbs negative energies
  • Protects against radiation of all kinds
  • Clears electromagnetic pollution
  • Aids spiritual guidance
  • Activates visualization & psychic vision
  • Brings balance & harmony
  • Opens the heart to unconditional love
  • A stone of transformation
  • Encourages risk-taking & change
  • Breaks unwanted ties & outworn patterns
  • Releases inhibitions & encourages expression of feelings
  • Develops empathy
  • Overcomes shyness
  • Enhances intuition & insight
  • Helps with dyslexia
  • Helps to overcome anxiety & depression
  • Aids deep emotional healing
  • Stimulates dreams & brings memories to life
  • Encourages healthy relationships based on love not need
  • Helpful for healing menstrual cramps & aids childbirth
  • Heals travel sickness & vertigo
  • Can lower blood pressure & heal asthma & arthritis
  • Enhances the immune system & heals epilepsy
  • Treats the female reproductive system & any sexual disease

Chakra Associations: Third Eye , Heart & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Taurus


  • Helps contact with the angelic realm
  • Is a stone of forgiveness
  • Releases fear & grief
  • Brings unconditional love
  • Aids self-worth & self-acceptance
  • Lifts tension & anxiety
  • Prevents nightmares
  • Gently dissolves resistance
  • Helps anyone who has suffered trauma or assault
  • Treats nervous conditions

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Cancer


  • Attracts good fortune
  • Increases fertility
  • A very high vibration stone
  • Enhances the effect of other crystals
  • Helps to connect to your higher self
  • Clears the chakras & removes blockages
  • Accelerates spiritual growth
  • Encourages empathy & compassion
  • Helps to release fixed ideas

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius



  • Encourages a desire for new experiences
  • Encourages versatility
  • Brings deep calm
  • Brings physical stability
  • Fortifies the immune system
  • Aids in accepting change
  • Provides protection & grounding
  • Boosts motivation

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Leo, Scorpio & Virgo



  • Encourages new beginnings
  • Strongly connects to the moon & intuition
  • Reminds us that everything is part of a cycle
  • Calms the emotions
  • Encourages lucid dreaming
  • Enhances psychic abilities & clairvoyance
  • Aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side
  • Soothes emotional instability & stress
  • Aids emotional healing
  • Reduces PMS & balances the hormones
  • Helps the digestive & reproductive systems
  • Balances the hormones
  • Can be helpful in calming hyperactive children
  • Eliminates toxins & fluid retention
  • Is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth & breast feeding
  • Treats insomnia and can prevent sleepwalking

Chakra Associations: Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: June


  • A stone of new beginnings
  • Attracts wealth & abundance
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Reduces fear
  • Relieves stress

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Cancer & Virgo



  • Is the sorcerer's stone & is powerfully protective against ill-wishing & psychic manipulation
  • Assists in seeing beyond the outer facade
  • Strengthens the auric shield & is effective against negative energies & sorcery
  • Opens & integrates all the subtle chakras, bringing about a profound shift in consciousness
  • Assists in recognizing past-life contacts & highlights debts stemming from misuse of power, reminding you not to repeat patterns
  • Removes difficulties arising from another person's inappropriate protection or attempted guidance & dissolves defensive behaviour patterns built against that manipulation
  • Connects to your true self
  • Cutting through to your core, it re-programmes your thoughts & insists that you be responsible for your own protection
  • Teaches respect & honour
  • Is helpful for insomnia & stress
  • Treats degenerative disease, tissue regeneration, Parkinson's disease & headaches
  • Aids insulin regulation & treats the eyes, brain, kidneys & nerves
  • Helps with infections that are slow to clear or recur
  • Treats fainting & dizziness, ears, tinnitus, central nervous system, heart valves & arteries

Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Solar Plexus & Base
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio



  • Gives strength
  • Supports during times of stress or confusing circumstances
  • Helps you to be the master of your own destiny
  • Promotes vigour, steadfastness & stamina
  • Aids in learning lessons
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Helps you to be at ease in your surroundings
  • Can be helpful for psychometry
  • Helps in past life healing
  • Helps to heal grief & sorrow
  • Reduces overwhelming fears & worries
  • Helps to overcome addictions
  • Calms the nerves
  • Provides protection & grounding

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Leo


  • Supports during times of stress
  • A nurturing stone
  • Brings tranquility & wholeness
  • Facilitates dream recall
  • Provides protection
  • Grounds energies
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Clears electromagnetic & environmental pollution
  • Aids dowsing
  • Imparts determination
  • Brings courage
  • Aids quick thinking
  • Stimulates the imagination
  • Prolongs sexual pleasure
  • Supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries


  • Soothes the emotions
  • Realigns you to your spiritual purpose
  • Enhances communication
  • Treats exhaustion, ME & metabolic imbalance
  • Aids weight loss & childbirth

Chakra Associations: Throat
Zodiac Associations: Libra & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: October


  • Induces psychic & mystical visions
  • Stimulates originality & creativity
  • Aids in accessing & expressing your true self
  • Amplifies traits & brings characteristics to the surface for transformation
  • Enhances self-worth & helps you to understand your full potential
  • Encourages spontaneity & an interest in the arts
  • Is associated with love & passion, desire & eroticism
  • Intensifies emotional states & releases inhibitions
  • Strengthens the will to live
  • Treats Parkinson's disease, infections & fevers
  • Strengthens the memory
  • Purifies the blood & kidneys
  • Regulates insulin, eases childbirth & alleviates PMS
  • Treats the eyes

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Cancer, Libra & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: October



  • Assists in the assimilation of spiritual knowledge
  • Aids in achieving the state of "no mind" required for deep meditation
  • Assists in ascertaining the cause of present life difficulties or diseases
  • Shows that prosperity is a state of mind & helps to attract abundance into your life
  • Overcomes fear of failure
  • Assists accurate perception & logical thought while listening to your inner voice
  • Dissolves energy blockages
  • Benefits cellular memory, hair growth, thread veins & brain disorders
  • Treats excretory organs, tumours, infectious diseases & RNA/DNA
  • Treats arthritis, bronchitis, inflammation & fever

Chakra Associations: Crown & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Sagittarius & Taurus


  • Is an all round healer
  • Brings things back into control
  • Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts
  • Promotes a feeling of well-being
  • Brings emotional calm
  • A stone of prosperity
  • Absorbs electromagnetic smog
  • Protects against environmental pollution
  • Reinforces leadership qualities
  • Stimulates perception & enhances creativity
  • Calms anger & irritation
  • Reduces clumsiness
  • Aids emotional recovery
  • Aids conception
  • Balances blood pressure & stimulates the metabolism
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Relieves migraine headaches & soothes the eyes
  • Heals the lungs, sinuses & heart

Chakra Associations: Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Libra, Taurus & Virgo


  • Protects the aura
  • Cleanses, neutralizes & releases toxins on all levels
  • Purifies the subtle & physical bodies as well as the mind
  • Opens, cleanses & activates the heart & solar plexus chakras & releases "old baggage"
  • Clears burdens, guilt or obsessions
  • Teaches that holding on to people or the past is counterproductive
  • Shows how to detach yourself from outside influences & to look to your own higher energies for guidance
  • Releases negative patterns & old vibrations so that a new frequency can be accessed
  • Helps you to understand your destiny & spiritual purpose
  • Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite & anger
  • Helps you to spend money wisely
  • Helps to find love online
  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances confidence & assertion without aggression
  • Motivates growth & helps to bring about necessary change
  • Promotes psychological clarity & well-being
  • Sharpens the mind & opens it to new levels of awareness
  • Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all the things you have neglected consciously or unconsciously
  • Helps you to admit mistakes & move on
  • Helps you to take responsibility for your own life, especially when you believe it is all "someone else's fault"
  • Improves difficult relationships
  • Has a tonic effect
  • Heals & regenerates tissues
  • Strengthens the metabolism & benefits the skin
  • Aids the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract & ulcers
  • Strengthens the eyes
  • Placed on the abdomen, it aids giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions but lessening the pain
  • Balances bipolar disorders & overcomes hypochondria
  • May increase the effectiveness of medication & treatment
  • Can help with stings & bites that cause an allergic reaction
  • Treats IBS & Crohn's disease
  • Assists weight gain
  • Relieves swellings & growths of all kinds

Chakra Associations: Heart & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Libra, Taurus & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: August


  • Provides protection & grounding
  • Helps in past life work
  • Helps you to feel at home on earth
  • Supports the soul during challenges of spiritual evolution
  • Releases that which no longer serves while retaining that which does
  • Helps to stabilize the environment
  • Is a stone for archaeologists, historians & librarians
  • Helps to recognize the wisdom & value of old age
  • Brings calm
  • Reduces worry
  • Helps people living in older buildings to keep the structure sound
  • Gives courage to begin in a new direction when a career change is needed or after redundancy
  • Gives incentive for a new career or study after retirement
  • Helps you to serenely accept things you can't change
  • Assists mobility on all levels
  • Reactivates 12 strand DNA
  • Assists when you are in the chronic or recovery stage of disease or are facing a progressive illness
  • Benefits the immune system, joints, muscles, bones, feet, back, nervous system & lungs
  • Can halt the aging process
  • Helps to overcome obesity
  • May be beneficial for disturbed sleep patterns, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & genetic disorders
  • Assists recovery from serious illness
  • Relieves back & hip pain, strengthens bones & skeletal alignment
  • Can be beneficial for bone dislocation, broken limbs & hay fever

Chakra Associations: Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Leo & Virgo



  • Supports during times of stress
  • A nurturing stone
  • Brings tranquility & wholeness
  • Facilitates dream recall
  • Provides protection
  • Grounds energies
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Clears electromagnetic & environmental pollution
  • Aids dowsing
  • Imparts determination
  • Brings courage
  • Aids quick thinking
  • Stimulates the imagination
  • Prolongs sexual pleasure
  • Supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries


  • Energizing
  • Revitalizes, purifies & balances energy
  • Brings serenity or passion as appropriate
  • Inspires love & devotion
  • Balances the sex drive & aids sexual potency
  • Encourages commitment
  • Strengthens the survival instinct
  • Brings courage & hope
  • Aids past life recall
  • Dissolves ingrained behaviour patterns that no longer serve you
  • Removes inhibitions & taboos
  • Assists in bereavement
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Stimulates the metabolism
  • Treats spinal & cellular disorders
  • Reenergizes the blood, heart & lungs

Chakra Associations: Heart & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Virgo
Birthstone Associations: January


  • A stone of transformation
  • Absorbs negativity
  • Attracts prosperity & reverses bad luck
  • Helps you to contact your higher self
  • Aids in grounding & manifesting your spiritual purpose
  • Assists in unwinding ancestral patterns
  • Assists those who are ready to leave the planet with dignity & full awareness, having expressed all that they wished to say before they leave
  • Provides a bridge between the physical body & the mind & spirit
  • Heals the heart
  • Supports spleen function, blood cells & the digestive & immune system
  • Relieves burns, scalds & abrasions of all kinds
  • Treats eczema & allergic rashes
  • Enhances fertility, especially in later life

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Virgo


  • Links to the shaman in everyone
  • Has a powerful connection with the earth
  • Enhances psychic ability & metaphysical gifts
  • Aids past life exploration
  • Enhances willpower & courage
  • Gives strength
  • Provides protection on all levels
  • Helps you to live calmly in the present moment
  • Strong links to Stonehenge

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: None known



  • Acts like a battery to activate your personal power
  • Helps to create your own reality
  • Helps you attune to the Akashic Record of your soul's purpose
  • Helps is you find it impossible to say "no"
  • Aids in finding constructive solutions and encourages you not to dwell on problems
  • Encourages you to be confident in your actions
  • Protects against EMF pollution
  • Is an all round healer
  • Recharges & balances the meridians
  • Energizes all the organs & systems of the physical body

Chakra Associations: Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini & Sagittarius



  • Supports during times of stress
  • A nurturing stone
  • Brings tranquillity & wholeness
  • Facilitates dream recall
  • Provides protection
  • Grounds energies
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Clears electromagnetic & environmental pollution
  • Aids dowsing
  • Imparts determination
  • Brings courage
  • Aids quick thinking
  • Stimulates the imagination
  • Prolongs sexual pleasure
  • Supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries


  • Carries the vibration of cosmic light & offers spiritual healing for the whole of humanity
  • Takes on you on inter & multi-dimensional journeys
  • Assists all emotional healing
  • Reassures all who feel alone, lost or vulnerable
  • Reminds you that you are part of an ongoing, ever unfolding cycle
  • Links to your overall soul as well as your current life plan
  • Helps you to see the unseen and intuitively read symbols & synchronicities
  • Opens you to spiritual gifts
  • Place under your pillow to aid lucid dreaming & calm sleep
  • Powerfully attuned to the cycles & phases of the moon
  • Treats the internal organs, eyes, arteries & veins
  • Assists the hormones, fertility & menstrual cycle
  • Treats the thyroid, pituitary gland, bowels & breasts
  • Aids recovery after operations on breasts, womb & sterilization
  • Treats anaphylactic shock

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Cancer


  • Carries the vibration of cosmic light & offers spiritual healing for the whole of humanity
  • Takes on you on inter & multi-dimensional journeys
  • Assists all emotional healing
  • Reassures all who feel alone, lost or vulnerable
  • Reminds you that you are part of an ongoing, ever unfolding cycle
  • Links to your overall soul as well as your current life plan
  • Helps you to see the unseen and intuitively read symbols & synchronicities
  • Opens you to spiritual gifts
  • Place under your pillow to aid lucid dreaming & calm sleep
  • Powerfully attuned to the cycles & phases of the moon
  • Treats the internal organs, eyes, arteries & veins
  • Assists the hormones, fertility & menstrual cycle
  • Treats the thyroid, pituitary gland, bowels & breasts
  • Aids recovery after operations on breasts, womb & sterilization
  • Treats anaphylactic shock

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Cancer


  • Aids grounding
  • Brings about emotional, physical & intellectual balance
  • Is soothing & calming
  • Helps you to accept yourself
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances mental function
  • Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Overcomes negativity & bitterness
  • Heals inner anger
  • Treats any kind of emotional trauma
  • Creates a sense of safety & security
  • Encourages quiet contemplation
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Eliminates negative energies
  • Stimulates the digestive process & relieves gastritis
  • Heals the eyes, stomach & uterus
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorders

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini



  • Aids grounding
  • Brings about emotional, physical & intellectual balance
  • Is soothing & calming
  • Helps you to accept yourself
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances mental function
  • Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Overcomes negativity & bitterness
  • Heals inner anger
  • Treats any kind of emotional trauma
  • Creates a sense of safety & security
  • Encourages quiet contemplation
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Eliminates negative energies
  • Stimulates the digestive process & relieves gastritis
  • Heals the eyes, stomach & uterus
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorder

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini


  • Is an all round healer
  • Brings things back into control
  • Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts
  • Promotes a feeling of well-being
  • Brings emotional calm
  • A stone of prosperity
  • Absorbs electromagnetic smog
  • Protects against environmental pollution
  • Reinforces leadership qualities
  • Stimulates perception & enhances creativity
  • Calms anger & irritation
  • Reduces clumsiness
  • Aids emotional recovery
  • Aids conception
  • Balances blood pressure & stimulates the metabolism
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Relieves migraine headaches & soothes the eyes
  • Heals the lungs, sinuses & heart

Chakra Associations: Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Libra, Taurus & Virgo


  • Is an all round healer
  • Brings things back into control
  • Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts
  • Promotes a feeling of well-being
  • Brings emotional calm
  • A stone of prosperity
  • Absorbs electromagnetic smog
  • Protects against environmental pollution
  • Reinforces leadership qualities
  • Stimulates perception & enhances creativity
  • Calms anger & irritation
  • Reduces clumsiness
  • Aids emotional recovery
  • Aids conception
  • Balances blood pressure & stimulates the metabolism
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Relieves migraine headaches & soothes the eyes
  • Heals the lungs, sinuses & heart

Chakra Associations: Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Libra, Taurus & Virgo


  • Stimulates & overcomes lethargy
  • Provides motivation
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Brings strength & courage
  • Provides protection
  • Helps to accomplish goals
  • Brings enthusiasm & optimism
  • Boosts confidence & creativity
  • Treats depression & calms anger
  • Aids night vision & treats eye infections
  • Treats the throat & reproductive organs
  • Assists anaemia, blood & blood cell disorders
  • Aids recovery after major surgery
  • Speeds up slow metabolism & increases low sex drive

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus & Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Aries & Taurus


  • Balances the emotions
  • Helps to show both sides of an issue
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Helps to achieve your highest potential
  • Heals emotional shock & panic
  • Aids forgiveness
  • Helps in past life healing
  • Promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations
  • Heals wounds & relieves insect bites
  • Stimulates fertility & treats multiple sclerosis
  • Treats emphysema & autoimmune diseases
  • Treats inflammation of the joints & arthritis
  • Assists the healing of speech & hearing

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Cancer & Taurus


  • Attracts love & romance
  • Brings peace
  • A stone of friendship
  • Aids healing
  • Helps with overcoming trauma
  • Helps with dementia

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Taurus


  • Boosts energy
  • Encourages passion for life
  • Improves motivation & setting of realistic goals
  • Encourages "following your bliss"
  • Protects against psychic attack
  • Promotes positive dreams
  • Attracts abundance
  • Aids retaining wealth
  • Encourages passion
  • Brings a positive & courageous state of mind
  • Aids concentration
  • Attracts sexual activity
  • Overcomes exhaustion & lethargy
  • Attracts love
  • Banishes nightmares

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius & Scorpio
Birthstone Associations: July


  • Vibrational healer
  • Aids angelic communication
  • Promotes spiritual growth
  • Facilitates contact with the highest spiritual guidance
  • Draws off negative energy
  • Helps in letting go of the past
  • Gives protection against psychic attack
  • Helps with past life healing
  • Soothes dark moods
  • Acts as an anti depressant
  • Helps to bring out talent if you're performing in public
  • Relieves fears, phobias & anxiety
  • Encourages you to follow your dreams
  • Promotes forgiveness
  • Treats impotence & infertility
  • Helps increase vitality for chronic conditions
  • Is excellent for exhaustion & energy depletion
  • Treats the respiratory tract & bronchitis
  • Stimulates & balances the thyroid
  • Stimulates growth & regeneration in cells & repairs torn tissues
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels & veins

Chakra Associations: Crown & Base
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Leo & Virgo






  • Helps to dissolve self-imposed programmes that have been running for too long
  • Releases the programme & assists in finding an appropriate replacement
  • Eases panic attacks & claustrophobia
  • Encourages the development & expression of psychic powers & creativity
  • Can be used to strengthen affirmations of purpose
  • May increase resistance to viral infections, skin growths & blemishes
  • Treats prostate & testicular problems, travel sickness & stomach upsets

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Scorpio


  • Helps to dissolve self-imposed programmes that have been running for too long
  • Releases the programme & assists in finding an appropriate replacement
  • Eases panic attacks & claustrophobia
  • Encourages the development & expression of psychic powers & creativity
  • Can be used to strengthen affirmations of purpose
  • May increase resistance to viral infections, skin growths & blemishes
  • Treats prostate & testicular problems, travel sickness & stomach upsets

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Scorpio


  • Brings clarity of mind & clears confusion
  • A calming stone that instils deep peace
  • Aids meditation
  • Enhances telepathy
  • Shows how to resolve lessons & issues that are still being worked on
  • Aids judgment & insight
  • Helps fertility & pregnancy
  • Helps heal PMS, menstrual & menopausal problems
  • Helps to bring about reconciliation

Chakra Associations: Crown
Zodiac Associations: Cancer & Taurus


  • Placed on the brow chakra, or meditated with, it is a stone of spiritual enlightenment & is excellent for accessing self-healing
  • Helps to make angelic connections
  • Promotes living from the heart & has a gently cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love
  • Has a high spiritual vibration & is excellent for making journeys out of the body, protecting the physical body while you are gone
  • Assists with reviewing the progress of life & identifying the changes needed to put you on the path to peace & fulfilment
  • Works best at a subtle level
  • Activates the spinal cord & can release muscle tension up into the neck
  • Is useful for overcoming chills & promoting weight loss

Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Zodiac Associations: Not known At This Time


  • Aids meditation & spiritual exploration
  • Opens psychic abilities
  • Provides protection
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Helps you understand the spiritual basis of life
  • Assists the retrieval of wisdom
  • Regains memory of past lives
  • Helps you to feel more in control of life
  • Corrects mental & emotional imbalances
  • Cleanses & detoxifies the body & blood
  • Treats hypoglycaemia & diabetes

Chakra Associations: Crown, Heart & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini & Scorpio


  • Raises & controls kundalini energy
  • Facilitates spiritual evolution through tantra or sexual magic
  • Is a symbol of sexuality & potent male energy
  • Aids sexual healing
  • Brings psychological insight
  • Increases libido in both sexes
  • Unites the male & female energies within to create a harmonious whole
  • Aids in resolving gender related issues
  • Helps to look within to release all that you've outgrown
  • Helps with emotional pain that arises from early childhood, especially from sexual abuse
  • Aids in creating a self-loving ritual to reclaim femininity & female power
  • Helps to overcome infertility, impotence & menstrual cramps
  • Eases childbirth


Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio




  • Provides EMF protection
  • Absorbs that which is hazardous to health
  • Boosts physical wellbeing
  • Has a powerful effect on the immune system
  • Restores emotional balance
  • Relieves stress
  • Reduces symptoms of the common cold
  • Is a "cure all" healer
  • Assists the digestive & filtration systems
  • Provides pain relief
  • Its a detoxifier, antioxidant, antihistamine & anti-inflammatory
  • Treats sore throats & cardio-vascular diseases
  • Treats allergies, asthma, arthritis & diabetes
  • Treats kidney & liver disorders
  • Treats the gall bladder, impotence & chronic fatigue syndrome

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio


  • Keeps you grounded
  • Provides protection
  • Promotes concern for the environment & ecological solutions
  • Neutralizes negative vibrations
  • Blocks geopathic stress
  • Helps you to leave behind anything that no longer serves you
  • Relieves fear & depression
  • Helps remove suicidal tendencies
  • Helps you to accept your physical body
  • Enhances virility & passion
  • Stops nightmares & manifests your dreams
  • Dissolves negative emotions
  • Promotes positive thought
  • Helps to remove fear of failure
  • Improves concentration
  • Overcomes communication difficulties
  • Helps to clear the mind for meditation
  • Treats radiation-related illness & chemotherapy
  • Reduces stress & brings relaxation
  • Provides pain relief
  • Treats ailments of the abdomen, hips & legs
  • Treats headaches & benefits the reproductive system
  • Dissolves cramps & strengthens the back
  • Treats kidney stones & the pancreas
  • Reduces anxiety & treats panic attacks

Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Sagittarius


  • Calms & soothes when placed on the sacral chakra
  • Puts you in the right frame of mind to be receptive before bringing to your attention ingrained patterns of behaviour
  • Teaches the value of mistakes as well as successes
  • Is a stone of purity
  • Helps to make wise decisions
  • Provides balance for body, mind & spirit
  • Helps to recognize & release stressful mental patterns
  • Promotes dispassion & inner centring
  • Helps isolation & loneliness to become empowering
  • Aids surrender in meditation
  • Treats veins & the skeleton
  • Improves circulation
  • Treats influenza, sinus & rhinitis
  • Treats eyesight & diarrhoea
  • Relieves pain

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Sagittarius & Virgo


  • Deepens meditation
  • Opens spiritual perception
  • Helps to remain true to yourself & stand up for your beliefs
  • Clears electromagnetic pollution
  • Calms the mind
  • Provides EMF protection
  • Balances the emotions
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Calms panic attacks
  • Enhances self-acceptance & self-trust
  • Helps to overcome phobias
  • Encourages rational thought
  • Reduces mental confusion
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & boosts the immune system
  • Overcomes insomnia
  • Treats the throat & digestive disorders
  • Cools fevers & lowers blood pressure

Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Cancer, Sagittarius & Virgo


  • Carries eternal knowledge & helps to read the Akashic Record of previous lives
  • Excellent for support during evolutionary change as it has weathered billions of years of chaos, catastrophe & transformation
  • Aids processing & learning from all your experiences
  • Instils flexibility & the ability to "let go" or opt out of disagreements while still maintaining your own point of view
  • Helps with past life regression & shamanic journeying
  • Meditating with this stone acts as a portal to the far past of the earth, delving deep into its history, evolution & closely guarded secrets
  • Assists with earth cleansing & healing
  • Helps you to release outdated mental programs & patterns
  • Assists in meridian-based tapping therapies, such as EFT & increases brain function
  • Encourages healing at a cellular level
  • Aids recovery from serious illness or psychosomatic disease
  • Assists the passage of fluid through the body & brain, regulating the flow as appropriate
  • Helps to maintain the skeletal system & brain hemispheres
  • Encourages the elimination of toxins through the kidneys & blood-rich organs
  • Treats the thymus & throat, hands & feet


Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn


  • Brings joy
  • Is a light-inspiring stone
  • Instils joie de vivre & good nature
  • Heightens intuition
  • Helps you to nurture yourself
  • Attracts good luck & good fortune
  • Useful for removing energetic hooks from other people
  • Aids in cutting ties to other people
  • Helps to reduce phobias about fear of the dark & enclosed spaces
  • Helps if you have trouble in saying no & making sacrifices for others
  • Removes co-dependency & facilitates self-empowerment
  • Facilitates independence & vitality
  • Is very effective against S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder)
  • Removes inhibitions and hang-ups
  • Reverses feelings of failure
  • Increases self-worth & confidence
  • Encourages optimism & enthusiasm
  • Treats depression & lifts dark moods
  • Stimulates self-healing
  • Regulates the autonomic nervous system
  • Treats sore throats & relieves stomach ulcers
  • Treats cartilage problems, rheumatism & general aches & pains

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Leo & Pisces



  • Believed to enhance communication with other worlds
  • Encourages spiritual growth
  • Helps to release undesirable experiences
  • Aids insight into the true cause of a matter
  • Helps with telepathy & clairvoyance
  • Aids fertility
  • Reduces fevers & aids circulation
  • Aids physical healing
  • Speeds up recovery from illness & injury


Chakra Associations: Crown, Third Eye& Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Aries & Sagittarius


  • Is a dramatic stone with a powerful link to the life force, stimulating healing & regeneration
  • Helps where there is resistance to overcome
  • Helps to combat feelings of negativity that could induce self-harm
  • Brings out the extrovert, promoting eloquence & showmanship
  • Mentally encourages curiosity & inventiveness in solving problems
  • Encourages expression of passion & sexual feelings
  • Increases stamina
  • Teaches that lust, sensuality & sexuality are normal parts of life & encourages their constructive & positive expression
  • Helps to access the inner child which can be translated into spontaneous pleasure
  • Brings new beginnings at any stage or age & creates a sense that all will be well
  • Treats calcium deficiencies & gastric upsets
  • Enhances fertility & treats disease of the reproductive organs
  • Helps in cases of extreme weakness & nervous exhaustion
  • Treats PMS, endometriosis & period pains
  • Assists weight loss


Chakra Associations: Heart & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Taurus & Gemini


  • Aids in paying attention to detail
  • Helps with exams & important meetings
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Provides protection
  • Helps to accomplish goals
  • Helps to heal mental illness & personality disorders
  • Boosts confidence & creativity
  • Reduces cravings
  • Increases willpower
  • Overcomes fear of failure
  • Aids night vision
  • Treats the throat & reproductive organs
  • Helps to repair broken bones


Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Leo & Taurus


  • Aids in paying attention to detail
  • Helps with exams & important meetings
  • Keeps you grounded
  • Provides protection
  • Helps to accomplish goals
  • Helps to heal mental illness & personality disorders
  • Boosts confidence & creativity
  • Reduces cravings
  • Increases willpower
  • Overcomes fear of failure
  • Aids night vision
  • Treats the throat & reproductive organs
  • Helps to repair broken bones

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral & Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Gemini, Leo & Taurus


  • Vibrational healer
  • Aids angelic communication
  • Promotes spiritual growth
  • Facilitates contact with the highest spiritual guidance
  • Draws off negative energy
  • Helps in letting go of the past
  • Gives protection against psychic attack
  • Helps with past life healing
  • Soothes dark moods
  • Acts as an anti depressant
  • Helps to bring out talent if you're performing in public
  • Relieves fears, phobias & anxiety
  • Encourages you to follow your dreams
  • Promotes forgiveness
  • Treats impotence & infertility
  • Helps increase vitality for chronic conditions
  • Is excellent for exhaustion & energy depletion
  • Treats the respiratory tract & bronchitis
  • Stimulates & balances the thyroid
  • Stimulates growth & regeneration in cells & repairs torn tissues
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels & veins


Chakra Associations: Crown & Base (Root)
Zodiac Association: Gemini, Leo & Virgo


  • Very calming
  • Overcomes insomnia
  • Calms an overactive mind
  • Opens spiritual attunement
  • Aids accessing past lives
  • Encourages a desire for learning
  • Attracts blessings to the home
  • Helps to achieve ambitions
  • Encourages patience
  • Helps to eliminate rage & uncontrolled anger
  • Strengthens positive character traits
  • Strengthens memory
  • Calms the emotions
  • Aids teeth, bones & soft tissue
  • Treats arthritis, rheumatism & joint pain

Chakra Associations: Crown & Third Eye
Zodiac Associations: Gemini


  • Provides healing
  • Offers protection
  • Promotes spiritual attunement
  • Enhances communication with the physical & spiritual worlds
  • Enhances intuition & meditation when placed on the brow chakra
  • Releases old vows, inhibitions & prohibitions
  • Helps to explore past lives
  • Is a purification stone
  • Removes negative energy & clears electromagnetic smog
  • Balances & aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies & attunes the physical level to the spiritual
  • Is empathetic & balancing
  • Attracts good luck, success, money & fame
  • Encourages ambition & creativity
  • Is a stone of justice, both for obtaining it through the legal system & for fair & equal treatment in every area of life
  • Promotes self-realization & assists creative problem-solving
  • Calms the nerves when speaking in public
  • Instils inner calm while remaining alert & aids creative expression
  • Stabilizes mood swings
  • Stimulates romantic love
  • Calms the mind
  • Overcomes exhaustion, depression & panic attacks
  • Strengthens the meridians of the body & the subtle energy fields
  • Enhances physical & psychic immune systems
  • Regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients & heals the whole body
  • Treats the eyes, especially cataracts
  • Reduces excess acidity & benefits gout, rheumatism & the stomach
  • Is an anti-inflammatory & detoxifies
  • Treats cramps & pain
  • Treats the brain, ears, neck & throat
  • Treats respiratory & lung disorders
  • Treats viral infections, migraines & headaches
  • Treats allergies, arthritis & problems with balance


Chakra Associations: Third Eye & Throat
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius & Scorpio
Birthstone Associations: December



  • Balances emotions with spirituality
  • Promotes visualization & psychic vision
  • Releases conditions that inhibit spiritual & psychological growth
  • Helps with past life healing
  • Eases long-standing addictions & phobias
  • Aids healthy pregnancy
  • Can help to quit smoking
  • Promotes, happy long lasting relationships
  • Aids heart function & circulation
  • Supports during recovery from major illness
  • Stimulates weight gain


Chakra Associations: Heart & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio


  • Help push ones drive and focus onto new goals
  • Empowered with positivity and enlightenment
  • Manifest the possibilities you want in your life
  • self-confidence, empowerment, positivity, and fortitude

Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral
Zodiac Associations: Sagittarius


  • Known Also as the `The Stone of Abundance `
  • Increases the love that you have in your life and in your relationships
  • Helps you voice out feelings in a more uplifting and positive way
  • Helps stimulate the Kundalini
  • Help understanding of your soul’s journey
  • An anti-inflammatory to soothe the symptoms related to inflamed scar tissue, wounds, rheumatism, and arthritis
  • Detoxify the blood and the kidneys
  • Strengthen the heart and provide healing support after suffering from heart problems

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Taurus





  • Useful for shamanic or earth healing
  • Can be an efficient healing tool during chronic or severe illness as it accelerates the healing process
  • Cuts away all that is outworn & then soothes & heals

Chakra Associations: All Chakra`s
Zodiac Associations: Scorpio


  • Cleanse, and eliminate any blockage in your chakras
  • Cleanse and heal all emotional wounds
  • Calming, cooling energies
  • Helps calm and soothe your emotions
  • Helps reduce stress & activate the fight-back mechanism

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Virgo, Gemini


  • Assists in looking at life in an optimistic way
  • Emits powerful vibrational healing energies
  • Manage difficult situations
  • Help you understand that everything happens for a reason
  • Vibration grows more powerful every new moon
  • Will bring your soul to healing
  • Will allow you to see the complete picture, without any distractions

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations: Aquarius


  • Stone of new beginnings
  • Stone of transformation
  • Connects with higher self, as well as access own inner wisdom
  • Removes any negative thoughts or emotions that are preventing the positive flow of energies
  • inspiration, clarity, support, insight and strength
  • Increases spiritual development
  • Transforms your negative thoughts into positive ones
  • Helps ground excessive emotions

Chakra Associations: Crown, Heart
Zodiac Associations: Sagittarius, Cancer



  • Protects during spiritual work & physical travel
  • Channels positive energy, making you feel physically better
  • Eases worries & self-consciousness
  • Encourages completion of tasks that have been put off
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Protects from negative energy
  • Connects you with the earth & wildlife
  • Encourages learning
  • Energizes the endocrine system
  • Releases toxins & heals digestion & the stomach
  • Useful for animal healing


Chakra Associations: Solar Plexus
Zodiac Associations: Capricorn & Gemini



  • Assists in looking at life in an optimistic way
  • Gives strength to deal with the causes of stress
  • Helps to resist falling into apathy
  • Transforms creative energy into practical reality by banishing self-doubt & providing stamina & enthusiasm
  • Helps reduce stress & activate the fight-back mechanism
  • Treats gall bladder, kidneys & skin & bone disorders
  • Helps with teeth, gums & muscle spasms
  • Aids heart irregularities


Chakra Associations: Base (Root)
Zodiac Associations: Virgo


  • Used to protect against robbery, lightening, bodily harm and disease
  • Was known in antiquity as hyacinth and was used for healing
  • Balances the astral, spiritual and emotional bodies.
  • Supports the adrenals and stimulates digestion Clear`s negative energy and has a protective aura
  • Opens the self to all possibilities
  • Increase`s your integrity, dignity, and self-respect

Chakra Associations: All Chakra`s
Zodiac Associations: Virgo


  • Assists you to surrender to Divine Will
  • For healing when you are faced with a terminal diseases and the transition to death
  • Helps alleviate grief, anger, despair, hopelessness and defeat Transforms creative energy into practical reality by banishing self-doubt & providing stamina & enthusiasm
  • Offers you the energies of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth
  • Strengthens the etheric body and cleanses the astral body of negativity

Chakra Associations: Heart
Zodiac Associations:  Leo, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Cancer 

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